Oh, if only we knew the calling we have as followers of Jesus! Jesus the Savior, the Redeemer, the Advocate, the High Priest, the Life, the Lord, the Hope.
Everyday fills us with possibilities of diving deeper in to the depth of knowledge that the Word has provided. Unfortunately I often find my mind wandering to things that ought to seem of infinite insignificance because I know what it means to think upon the things of Christ for purposes of the Kingdom of God. And I know that the Word has an answer for me that looks a lot different than the answers that the world might try to scream.
What outfit will I wear today? 1 Peter 3:3-4
Hello! Maybe I should put on some sackcloth and become consistently aware of my vanity.
What restaurant shall I go to for lunch? Oh, I don't know, how about one that serves up flesh and the blood? John 6:53
OK, come on. Of course I recognize that we will be faced with these decisions daily. And I really don't suggest going to a restaurant and inquiring with the waiter about whether or not they serve the bread of Jesus' body or the blood of His well. The purpose is to suggest that what we do with these decisions and how we answer them will dictate the level or the plane that we think upon. Being lead by the spirit strips away vanity, fashion doesn't exist here, and a tasty chicken pasta or a bowl of cookies 'n' cream ice cream suddenly fades to nothingness. Good gracious! Sweet Jesus is calling, can't you hear?
How insignificant are the things of the world, the pleasures that our culture has provided us with to find momentary satisfaction. How much money that ought to be given for His namesake is spent on a gluttonous means to no end that only ends up promoting the weight of sin on my back and yours? Oh! What a pain I have in my heart.
But what a gift, to be an ambassador to the King, the God of hosts. And so I ask God to search out my heart, and I often don't like what is found. Confession: I find my thoughts slipping to jealousy because for some reason I think I deserve more than what I already have, I find pride welling inside the flesh that's burdened me for 25 years; suggesting that I am worthy of doing a good thing and should be recognized for it. Ha! I find doubt creeping in to my ears and drenching my mind whispering that this life is nothing more than a mere fantasy. Yeah, shut it old man. LIES.
Oh, the old man. His adversaries are the same as those of the enemy. Friends. Frenemies. They were my old man's friends, but they are my enemies. I'm so tired of the lies.
And so I look to sweet Jesus my King, I tell Him I don't deserve what I've been offered by Him, forgiveness and a new heart. And that I should like to carry the cross for Him and joyfully give my life over to Him again and again, if He'll have me. Yes, He says. Over and Over, Yes.